ijaguar's home page


Table of contents

What is the iJaguar?

Jaguar is a Free Software tool written in Java (tm) for people in the Computer Theory area. Jaguar provides an infrastructure of libraries, engines and graphical applications that support most of the models and algorithms reviewed in a regular undergraduate computer theory (automata and formal languages) course. All the models of abstract machines covered by Jaguar have: (1) an engine that reads an input string and answer whether the string is accepted or not, (2) a GUI that provides a graphical representation, (3) a set of controls that allows interactive manipulation of the machine and the input strings. The abstract machines covered are: Jaguar also includes an implementation of grammars. All grammars share a common GUI, and there are three specializations: Jaguar provides the following algorithms (which use the above defined structures): All the structures used are specified using xml-like syntax. See test directory for examples.

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Where do I get Jaguar?

You can get the Jaguar package and found more about it from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ijaguar/

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System requirements

In principle, you only need a Java2(TM) virtual machine (JVM) >=v1.4.0 with the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) -- usually the JFC are included in the standard distribution of the major vendors. You can get your favorite JVM, from the next sources: If you just want to run Jaguar it's enough to have any Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE). To compile the sources you will also need a java compiler, also readily available. This project was developed and tested using the Java 2 v1.4.0-rc from java.sun.com. In the other hand the minimium hardware requirements are the specified by the vendor of the JVM of your choice.

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Compiling the sources & running

Usually the sources will be delivered on a package such as:
you need follow the next steps.
  1. Extract the sources.: tar yxvf jaguar.x-yz.src.tbz2
    the previos command will generate the directory jaguar.x-yz/
  2. Change to the jaguar.x-yz/jaguar/ directory.
  3. Type make and wait a few moments. (Note: the Makefile assumes that the java compiler javac is on your PATH)
  4. Now you can execute Jaguar from the directory jaguar.x-yz/ as in:
    java jaguar.JCenter
and you should see the Jaguar Center.

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Running the binary distribution

The binary distribution will be delivered on a jar file, so you only need to execute the Jaguar in the next way
java -jar jaguar.jar
and you should see the Jaguar Center.

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Using the Jaguar

For a quick Howto use Jaguar see the file MANUAL.

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Please send your comments, improvements, or suggestions to the following address:

Ivan Hernandez Serrano
School of Sciencie, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México

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27 Aug 2002 iJaguar 1.02v release minor bug fix. This version contains the complete test directory with some machine and grammar samples.

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JCenter JDFA
JCenter:the start JDFA:FiniteAutomaton
JDFA Minimizer AFS (PDA)
JDFAMinimizer AFS
Turing Machine

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Ivan Hernández
Last modified: Tue Aug 27 14:05:16 GMT 2002